Greenland ice melting 'even in winter' | The research has been carried out at the Scottish Association for Marine Science who found massive warm waves are melting the ice from below

Our economic system isn't sustainable. Capitalism will need to operate more sustainably or it will destroy itself. If I'm lucky I'll die a natural death before the real consequences hit. Your kids and certainly their children will be the ones to suffer most.

So what do we do? Shrug our shoulders, do nothing but tell them it's their problem so they better do the hard work of figuring it out for us?

Or adjust our own lifestyles while pushing for more sustainable systems on a macro level? I don't think it'll work but I want to be able to look a young person in the eyes one day and tell them that I cared and I did what I could.

There are tons of things you CAN do. You can try to minimize the energy you use, and if you can afford it pay a little extra to get it from renewable sources. I support environmental causes and donate to organizations like the Nature Conservancy which are our best bet at effecting change on a larger scale. Eating less meat and more vegetables, especially if they're locally sourced. Using cleaner methods of transportation when available. But having just one fewer child does so much more for the environment than all of that combined.

Especially when there are all ready so many children whose families didn't want them or couldn't afford to give them a better life, but I can.

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