[Mod] The Red Pill is not democratic. It cannot be in order to be a viably beneficial system for men.

If you're not as dumb and juvenile as your peers, this shouldn't offend you. Hope that clears things up.

No argument on my peers being dumb and juvenile. With all respect though, I've seen your previous sticky posts, and I do find a mod known for his "internet tough guy" posts with excessive use of frankly dumb and juvenile words like "pussy" and "bitch" writing off an entire generation to which he presumably doesn't belong as such rather... offensive. Not offensive in the "my fragile feelings are hurt" sense, but in the "this guy who's known for drowning whatever point he had with stupid 12 year old language is telling me I shouldn't be offended, and he's one of our mods" offensive. And I'm sure you're big enough to not be offended by my opinion on your language.

I have absolutely no issue with you looking down upon millennials as a whole. There's about a billion low-effort internet writers who share your opinion and I really could give a shit what anyone thinks of "my" generation. But I get the feeling you seem to think idiocy and immaturity is something unique to them, even if not our invention. If you want to have a low opinion of millennials, be my guest. The problem is that it seems to come from a position of "those damn kids these days" ignorance.

I'm really not trying to pick a fight here. I've always respected the moderators and their style here. I've never seen a hint of any of them being closet authoritarians and I think most are well-intentioned. Folk who have no qualms using their powers but don't over-revel in it. They're benevolent and if they happen to be undemocratic at times you can see it's for the best. Judging from all you stickied posts, it seems like you do seem to enjoy that power a bit.

I'm not here to concern troll or tone police, and I'm glad TRP makes no attempt to be PC. That being said, when a mod known for using Call of Duty 12 year old language (minus any comments about what he did to my poor mother, thankfully) in his addresses to the whole of the sub and makes a sweeping generalization based off personal opinion and then tells you "if you're not stupid with me you'll agree with my personal opinion," you realize the guy had a huge choice in what he could have said. And one's choice of words does speak to their motivations.

I know you and the rest of the mod team bust your asses to keep this sub quality despite 100K plus membership, and the results show. As long as that's the case I'll stay subbed and give all of you some well-earned benefit of the doubt when you bring the hammer down. Obviously you can take credit for the continued quality of this sub, but I've always found you to be the weakest link of the team and the one member I could actually see becoming a SRS style dictator mod. I'm confident you're big enough to not be offended by that. Otherwise, keep up the good work. Peace out.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent