The Mombie who is too lazy/stupid her 4yr old to the playground that is a 3-5min walk away...

OP, I took the liberty of a little editing in order to make it read a little easier. I hope you don't mind :)

I 've been meaning to post this but computer issues and horrible scheduling has prevented this so I feel the need to post an INCREDIBLY SHORT version of this story while I can (which I will expand on the minor and finer details which is all relevant to our situation).

We live in a complex where we have a shared driveway and people kept running over my sister's garden. Despite the fact its a shared driveway its stated by body corporate that kids are not allowed to play in the driveway due to the danger of cars. However, kids still do it and they USE it to play near our unit, until my sister installed some 2inch spikes. She did this as a LAST RESORT to prevent dickheads from DELIBERATELY RUNNING OVER THE GARDEN. They are to the side of the garden bed to tear at any car tyre that tries to run over the garden bed, they are angled paralleled to the ground. They are mounted to her property and small enough to be avoided unless you deliberately walk into the garden bed and aimed. Kids used to play near my sister's unit until she installed the spikes and all the parents were actually cool about it knowing the situation my sister was in.

Anyway we had a mombie who for some reason thought it was a good idea to have her daughter scooter around THE DRIVEWAY. Then despite NO INCIDENT TO THE DAUGHTER decided to try and force my sister to remove the spikes. She did this by having her brother park his car obstructing my sister from parking her car into our small garage. She argued that the spikes posed ACTUAL danger to her kid by showing us the scooter marks on the ground. The scooter marks just show her kid was riding her scooter in the MIDDLE and around our ENTIRE SIDE OF THE complex, much too far from the spikes, my sister eventually caved in.

I will be expanding on this post and perhaps post this in the correct subreddit as I am new to reddit and I want to vent but tech issues have restricted my ability to type in all the relevant details and force me to use my tablet to post (I have the worse of luck), but I will be back here to tell the whole story. Also, sister is actually looking forward to being sued, so she can counter sue the bastards who drive into the frame of her garden bed (and damaging it) and what makes this even more retarded is that Mombie actually lives a good distance away from us so the spikes are not even part of her business at all.

If I posted this in the wrong subreddit please tell me I am actually new to reddit and posting on reddit.

/r/childfree Thread