The moment you die...

This is my fear. There may be no "ultimate escape", so to speak. Of course, this could just be the brain creating a "story" to preserve itself from the thought of eternal oblivion (Organs are geared towards survival.) However, I have had this notion since I was very young.
I briefly talked about this in my previous comment (see comment history.)

As Ligotti said, "Nobody is Anybody". Once you strip away your persona, we are all the same - anonymous sentient beings. When one is "switched off", another will emerge from a womb and be "switched on". Nothingness by its very definition does not exist, as there is no "experiencer" there to experience it. It negates itself, and perhaps this negation of negation, gives rise to being. It may be a complement to Being, they go together. Birth, Death - Being, Non-Being and all the other dualities that exist.

The horror of this thought is, is that you are not rolling a die of 7/8 billion sides, (the number of humans) but rather all sentient beings on this planet and whatever other planets may have sentient life-forms on them.

Like an eye that sees, but cannot see itself. Like a sword that cuts, but cannot cut itself. Like a fire that burns, but cannot burn itself.

/r/antinatalism Thread