Montreal students denounce campus rape culture, share their stories

Listen to all of you whiny fuckers whose mother must have shit in their cheerios this morning. You poor bastards, how do you get by day to day with the incessant rape accusations and women bringing you down? I can't imagine your struggle.

You sit here, keyboard warriors of justice against the evil forces of women set on destroying your manhood, doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING you are accusing feminists of doing. Stereotyping, discriminating, dismissing and condemning without evidence.

You are so fucking worried that someone wants to draw attention to issues women are facing that you rush to ensure everyone knows that they could be making it all up! That if someone leaves their email open accidentally on a computer, it's their fault when someone they know uses it to blackmail them.

You blame the women in the stories for not doing anything about their attacks while maintaining they made them up anyway and claiming to have no understanding of why the fuck this might happen in the first place.

Every single time a thread comes up on r/montreal that involves women, the same brigade of dipshits shows up to shit all over it, spew their unfounded bullshit and pretend like they have any fucking idea about what is going on in the world.

Grow up. I'm sorry about whatever negative female presence in your life has lead you to become so god damned bitter, but that doesn't give you the right to take on the role of flaming douchebag asshole on the internet. Work it on out in therapy and let people discuss societal issues that are VERY REAL and very fucking important.

They are important for men and for women. They are important so everyone, including men, can be treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve and so that we can stomp out a culture of fear and hatred by helping each other to identify problems where they really are and work on resolutions. It's not about hating men, or saying that every man is bad and horrible. It's about saying that EVERY PERSON can help when this shit does happen. Whether or not you have a dick, a vagina, or some combination thereof, YOU CAN HELP and not be a part of the problem.

/r/montreal Thread Link -