The more secure I've become with my gender the less secure I've become with my sexuality.

Yeah...the male sex drive....dealt with that last night. Add alcohol in the mix and it took forever to finish...

I was tired and wasn't really in the mood, but gave in because he wanted it. Don't get me wrong...I like it...but sometimes you just do what you have to to get it over with.

I'd rather do that than feign romantic attraction to him when there is none. That's actually hard...because you know his feelings are hurt every time you avoid his kiss...

I'd rather be on my knees for 45 minutes than see his face contort every time he sees the truth in my eyes...

I'm curious how my sexuality will change when I start HRT soon. As it stands, I like feminine men and women...but primarily want the male genitalia. So...lesbian basically XD

/r/asktransgender Thread