It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment.

Hi! I'm 22 years old and I'm currently an Economics student in my senior year of college. I plan to graduate next fall and hope to get a career somewhere within investing but I'd also like to start learning the market on my own time (while not doing school work). I have $1000 to start investing with (I know it's not much but it's the best I can do at the time), but other than that I have no other financial difficulties that I will run into. Over the summer I hope to have an internship, alongside a night time job I work for my stepdad. At the moment during the school year, I am looking for a part time job that will allow me to maintain my grades while also getting some income. I hope to put something like $100 back into investing every month based on my income. I've been reading a book on personal investing to start getting into it, I haven't gotten too far yet (just looking at graphs and looking for a few trends such as the cup with handle), but hope to learn from this book as well. I'm not sure whether I'd like to go into very risky stocks or the safe ones, I just want to go into whatever will teach me the most for the future, so if that route has excessive risk I'd be more than happy to take that route. Basically I'm investing because I want to start learning the market, and if this goes well, I'd like to put the profit towards my savings and more investing. Anyways, I'd just like to ask everyone a few questions. I'm not fully understanding how I'm even supposed to get into the market in the first place, I'm not 100% sure which brokers to buy from and how to go about starting an account with them. I also would like to know which form of investing you'd recommend like I mentioned earlier, risky or safe? Where is the best place to check fluctuations within the market (charts and numbers)? Is there any firms that you could recommend I look for an internship with? Sorry for the wall of text! Any help would be appreciated!

/r/investing Thread