Most of the people in my family, including my parents, think I'm either on the spectrum in a minor or major way. I don't believe I am. Is there any way to tell without getting a professional diagnosis?

Yeah, my family has been doing this for 15 years so I don't think they're doing the whole "4chan aspergers diagnosis". I'm just going to lay it all down on the table because this whole thing is pretty anonymous.

They think I'm very sarcastic, kind of a jokester, I have a morbid sense of humor to the point where there are a few things that just objectively aren't funny to some people are funny to me even thought I know they're not "supposed to be". I kind of think everything can be funny. Many, many people in my life have compared me to Ron Swanson.

I definitely have some 'fucking weird' traits and occasionally communication is hard for me (echolalia is HUGE for me, started around age 16, but I've been trying to keep it under control), but for me it's less "look at my collection/interest" and more that sometimes the world is so big or full of wonder that the reality I perceive might not be the one that actually exists. Sort of like the "in this moment I'm euphoric" meme (I'm pretty religious so not the exact same way), but that occasionally I just feel so happy that I hear things people say in a way they don't actually mean them, and the world seems to be so much bigger and weirder and more awesome that it's overwhelming, and in these moments my true purpose is revealed to me. In these moments the world is just so huge and amazing that I get annoyed with people who don't see it that way and this causes problems in communication with other people.

Similarly, I have the same thing in the opposite direction, where if I'm uncomfortable with a situation it gets really dark and I'm more likely to interpret a hostile situation in a much more hostile way than it actually is. For example, I did something weird in college (it was so insignificant that I don't even remember what it was) that caused a group of my friends to act weirdly around me. At first I thought "maybe they don't like me" and it turned so weird in my head that after a few months of this I thought they might be aliens or spies, or people working for the NSA who may have thought I committed a crime.

I'm definitely an extrovert and I definitely prefer being around large parties and groups of people than being alone, which is why I think I bombed the sidebar tests. I've never really found it difficult to find a romantic or sexual partner, but it's been hard for me to find guy friends because I usually just befriend guys from work and they don't like how spiritual I am or I get annoyed with their "concreteness".

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