Most Underrated Episode(s)/Storylines?

For me personally, I actually really enjoyed the s9 episode Holiday Road, and I feel nobody ever brings up this storyline.

Summary: Emma comes back home from University with her boyfriend Kelly doing some charity bike event to help the environment. After getting in a fight with Kelly and them breaking up, she becomes depressed not knowing what to do esp without Kelly. She goes to The Dot asking for a a Double Bacon Cheeseburger when she’s been Vegetarian/Vegan for the longest time. She asks Spinner how he feels since Paige, Jimmy, Marco, Hazel, and Ellie moved on and away from Toronto. He says he’s okay because he’s happy doing what he’s doing even though it may not be the “correct path” of college that society in general, believes everybody should be doing after high school. Spinner and Holly J remind Emma of her rebellious “badass” self when she was still in Degrassi. She reveals she wants to dropout since her grades suck and her friends Manny and Liberty are off doing their own thing. Despite being upset Snake and Spike calm down and ask her what she really wants to do with their answer being “I want to help people”. She tells her parents she’s considering taking a gap year to finish her project and maybe find a more specific goal/purpose before she returns to school.

This episode reveals many important life lessons and brings up solutions to common problems teens experience

  1. It’s okay not to be at the same level as the people around you/your age group. Things will slowly work out for you

  2. You DO NOT need to be in relationship to be happy or achieve your own personal goals

  3. If you’re in high school, particularly junior/senior year and you don’t know what you want t do with your life, it’s ok to take a gap year and learn about yourself.

  4. If you’re feeling stressed/anxious/unsure with what your doing, take a breather and think about what it is you’re really doing and reaffirm your resolve

/r/Degrassi Thread