MRW a casual acquaintance says women should "get over" sexual harassment and take the [unwanted] male interest as a compliment...

I don't hate your perspective, and I wasn't talking about all of your posts today. I was talking about your first reply to me, which was full of sarcasm and condescension; or at least, that's how I read your tone in your post to me. I'm sure if we were having an actual, in person conversation, I wouldn't feel the same, or maybe I would. If I did, I would still call that to your attention, because that's no way to have a constructive conversation; all that does is set an adversarial tone where we're fighting, and not learning from one another, or respecting one another's ideas and opinions. You can disagree and still treat your conversation partner decently- I don't feel like you treated me, specifically, decently.

I'm not an adversary, I'm not positioning myself on the opposite side, I agree with many of your points, I really, truly do, however, you didn't give me the chance to demonstrate that at all.

Please stop trying to lump us "all" together. We are not all the same; in this subreddit, we celebrate our differences and welcome everyone who is willing to be open minded and cordial to everyone. The top rule that we abide by is respect everyone.

You did "it" again, the patronizing. I know what an ad hominem is. This isn't a debate, this is a conversation, and I never said you were wrong, I just said that more people would be more willing to hear your if your delivery was more kind. I don't disagree with you, and I don't dislike you. I think that if you could come down off of your high horse and speak to me, to us, like equals, and not people you're trying to teach, we could have some really great conversations.

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