Mueller's team interviewed Priebus on Friday

I would like to respond to this if only one person reads it because I do take the issue seriously. You can look back on my comments from months and months ago, before Vegas, before Jeremy Christians in Portland, before Charlottesville in the late summer. I said there would be more violence. That is where it is headed. . . I don't want it, I do think that there is no way around it though.

Part of my response to what you said would be that honestly, except for the ones who actually are motivated and capable enough of disrupting societal norms, collectively we should not care about converting people who really are bought in. They simply are not needed for a majority. We can literally pretend that they do not exist. I hope to see more active voter base from the 18-36 bracket.

Secondly yeah, I think the best outcome is some truly revolutionary claims made by Mueller. It could go both ways, he shoots for an obstruction and attempts to get trump to step down. Then hope that the house and senate will impeach and remove.

Or. Mueller might do what Mueller is kinda known for and not letting shit go. This is the best outcome the way I think about it. Who cares if Trump is actually removed from office. I want to see him charged aggressively at the state level in New York in accordance with the FBI task force. He will not win a second term. He will most likely not finish this term.

It seems to be that Trump is truly reprehensible and may be really revealed for what he is. Every day he alienates more and more. I love that people burned their stupid NFL memorabilia. They will just buy more. lol.

However, every person who is on the fence will likely be turned away from Trump. It just seems too obvious you know? How bad he is? Those who turn away from him or do not support him are very adamant that he should be removed from office. I don't know anyone who thinks Trump is 'doing okay' or 'trying his best.' I heard some old guy today at the gym saying it is disrespectful to ignore the anthem etc and he was a korean war vet and he was red white and blue all the way. Literally he said all that. He was like 80 or w/e. fuck him. His support is not needed in the next America. Trump is the eventual climax of our sickness. I'm not sure at what point we will bounce back. 'May you live in interesting times.'

This is very revolutionary and at a certain point Mueller and co must form an opinion. No way they remain completely impartial.

I'll finish with this. If Mueller and the justice league are seeing 1 percent of the media etc and are forming their own opinions. How do they remain entirely impartial? It is a foundation of our justice system I agree. What do you do though, when the very thing you are investigating is actively threatening the entire foundation itself? It almost becomes your duty to nail this guy, for the safety of those who truly can remain impartial.

What I am saying is, will Mueller and co. really form an opinion that Trump is a complete liability to America in almost every way possible. Therefore they would recognize he needs to be removed but also made an example of. I.E. State charges, prison time, stripped assets. WILL THEY DO THAT?!!?!? TIME WILL TELL!

thx. lol

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