Muhammad Ali speaks against racial mixing.

Except I specifically asked for evidence of correlation between race, but that's fine.

I know the gene you're talking about. I had a feeling you would assume Africans were one of the most affected by this gene, and therefore the most violent.

Unfortunately, the evidence does not fit your view.

"Chambers reported that MAOA-L was less common among Caucasians (34 percent) and Hispanics (29 percent) but even more common among Africans (59 percent) and Chinese (77 percent)."

Source: (

Another one posts more specific numbers on Asian groups:

"It turned out that while 3R was found in 56% of Maori males, it occurred in 58% of African American males and 34% of European males [2]. Misinterpreted by the media, the 3R variant quickly became a lead character in a pop science narrative intended to explain why certain racial groups appear to have increased tendencies toward violence. When a disproportionately high number of males of an ethnic group carries a less common gene linked with aggressive behaviors, the discussion about that gene immediately takes on racial overtones [3, 14]. (Interestingly, the press ignored studies indicating that the 3R variant occurred in 61% of Taiwanese males [15] and 56% of Chinese males [16])."

Source: (

This whole debate has just been another cherry-picking of data to suit one's desired worldview.

You claimed to not say one race is superior to another, and yet you dive right into vague and incomplete "evidence" of how some races are carry genetic predispositions to rage and violence.

I would hardly say that not claiming one is or is not superior.

Lastly, don't get me wrong. I'm not defending any group of people. Not all countries are equal in quality, not by a long shot. I'm proud of the West and its accomplishments.

That said, I can't stand to see dated and archaic arguments that "sub-species" exist, and some people are inherently barbaric because of their heritage. It's a cheap argument and serves no purpose except falsely inflating one's self worth based on something as trivial as skin color and bone structure.

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