Musicians of reddit, what is something that you wish more people would understand about being a musician?

I would say the biggest thing that people don't really understand is how lucky you have to be to make any money at all doing this job, and that it doesn't necessarily equate to popularity. I am friend with so many artists who can sell out two month long arena tour and come home just as dirt poor as when they left. These are people that you would call "celebrities", and they basically have to maintain that image for their fan base while struggling to make ends meet. At the same time, you get one big placement and you're set for three years, and it can be a twenty second clip of your song on a commercial that nobody really remembers hearing.

On the flip side, I think it's funny how people seem movie or TV shows involving the party scene backstage on big tours or on the busses after shows, and they think "That must be exaggerated, I bet everyone's really just reading books in their bunk." It's definitely not exaggerated, sure there are some chill nights when people are reading, but there are plenty of times when it's literally the craiziest shit you could ever imagine going down all around you. As someone who spent most of my time on tour with a girlfriend back home who I was very committed to, there were literally nights of holding the tour bus door closed because women were trying to get inside the bus. It's unreal what people do to try and be around "famous musicians"

/r/AskReddit Thread