The Musker really showing his true colors…

My parents are actually insanely charitable, run a foundation solely out of their own pocket, etc and still believe a whole lot of their left ideaology but they will never vote left going forward, they simply don't believe the government is going to use their money effectively and when they were paying like £40k taxes a year they were ok with it, when they hit like £400k taxes a year they were less so. They felt they could do more to improve the lives of people with that money than the government ever would, so did so in their own opinion.

That's how right wing propaganda works IMO, they run their country so piss poorly and ineffectively that the thought of giving the government more money is so disagreeable you would never vote for a party that intends to do that - even though they're potentially much more fiscally responsible and would do way more good for the country as a whole with the extra money.

Either way me and my sister are still die hard leftists, my parents sold up 99% of their UK assets and moved to a tax haven and are living out their fantasies as millionaires on an island so it's no longer the UK's problem.

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