Guess it wasn't completely a conspiracy theory...

Burmese guy here.bYou know very little about how this all works. The military and the government have an extremely shaky relationship, historically speaking. I've commented on the thread here talking about it. It's a long comment, so I'll just sum it up and tell you that the military is just always raising hell, against the government or against themselves when they're in power.

Anyway, the military in Myanmar had a way bigger control of the country than most other democracies. Partially because they were pretty much never punished for their shenanigans and partially because during their like half century shenanigan-fest, they managed to have most of the major businesses in Myanmar have military backing in one way or another.

ASSK did not necessarily support the genocide. If ASSK spoke out about it earlier, she would've gotten it handed to her and this entire coup would've happened earlier. Every time the military pulls this crap, it sends our country way back progress wise. ASSK probably knew the military was going to try to pull their takeover shenanigans again eventually, so she tried to just ride it out until maybe the democrats got more seats and overall power. She just failed to account for the fact that monke business doesn't care about seats, so the military just pulled the coup.

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