TIL an inmate was forcibly tattooed across his forehead with the words "Katie's revenge" by another inmate after they found out he was serving time for molesting and murdering a 10 year old girl named Katie

I was in states care when this happened.

I slept with my headphones on, drowned out the noise of the surrounding world. I woke up one morning, I saw and felt someone rattle my leg, but nothing was there. I drifted back off the sleep. I woke up a little while later to a little girl screaming help right into my ear. Once I woke up, I realized that I had chewed my earphone wire in half, and it was wrapped around my neck. I was totally freaked out. A couple of hours later, the news released the story of little Katie Coleman, her body having been found. The autopsy wouldn't be released for several days. Chills went down my spine. I knew that my experience earlier this morning was, somehow, related to her. Almost like...I had an overwhelming sadness, a connection to the story.

I went to my mentor at the time and told her about my experience, hours before. I told her that I felt it was related to her, although I had no idea how. I told my mentor that the little girl had been raped, drowned, or strangled. She was crying for help, trying to kick him away when she had died. I told my mentor to watch the news for the autopsy report.

Several days later, the autopsy report was released. Raped and drowned.

I will NEVER forget it. Probably a coincidence, totally. None the less, spoooky.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - foxnews.com