My [14F] friend [14M] has been saying really hurtful things about my appearance during a period of already low self esteem

Okay, I see where you're coming from now lol. I get your frustration. And I'm working on my self esteem/acceptance too, I didn't really mean for this to come off as a pity party. Again, I was mostly just looking for advice about my friend. But sorry for the misunderstanding, I'll take your advice and be more open and cut out these people and bad thoughts from my life so I won't be so ready to shut down on myself. I'm going to have a talk with my friend, and if that doesn't go down, well looks like we'll no longer be friends.

And there are parts of me that I like too, I don't completely hate myself. I feel like you are right though. LIke I'm still not fully convinced that im really ugly, its just what everyone tells me and I'm still desperate to believe its not true. but like you said its hard when ur surrounded by these types of people which i think i understand. In a way im just either trying to come to terms with it but you're right, I was looking for people to tell me that its ok and that im not ugly and all that because i don't want to believe these things that people like Oscar are telling me.

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