My (16/f) friend's dad(50s?/m) has been coming onto me really aggressively and I'm very very uncomfortable around him.

I'll answer one thing before I go to bed because it's factual. The rest of your retreat to debating tactics and Latin phrases as opposed to actual points, I'll ignore.

Why is it bullshit? Because you said so? What is imminent harm? So are you saying drinking before the required age presents no imminent harm? A lot drinks too much, he hers drunk, goes out and stabs someone. Imminent harm is possible and happens all the time in drinking, yet you're dismissing it.

It's bullshit because the laws relating to mandatory reporting are what they are, not what you make them out to be. For one thing, a 20 year old isn't a minor, and thuse the situation simply doesn't trigger the report requirement. That's aside form the fact that, no, I don't think being served a beer a year early constitutes harm, let alone imminent harm. The legal age is younger in many places and 20 year olds there drink all the time without harm, so your point is trivially shown to be specious.

For another, the legal standards are quite clear. Mandatory reporters must attend training on these sorts of things regularly. Perhaps you'd benefit form some basic information on the mater:

Then again, probably not. BTW, pointing out that your statements show demonstrate your ignorance or naivete is the opposite of ad hominem attacks. That you are ignorant is a statement of based on your own statement which are provably false. That you are naive enough to believe a child can deal with a truly frightening situation like this is obvious to me and, I suspect, others. This is commentary on the content of your statements, not an attack on your character. See, if I said I thought you were a dickhead, a douche bag, an asshole, or simply a dumbass, any of those things would be ad hominem. I haven't said any of those things, however, and in fact I don't think any of them necessarily apply.

Anyhow, enough from me. I'm sure you'll reply but I've already placed you on ignore. My post here was really for the lurkers who might actually believe your statements made in ignorance.

/r/relationships Thread