This was shared on Facebook by a white middle-class college-aged (and educated) trans boy.

I hate to say it, but I've had some pretty sour experiences myself (as stated above). When it came to the majority of gay guys I met (at leas the ones around my age, the older ones usually seemed nice) they'd absolutely detest my presence if they weren't attracted to me (give nasty looks, tell me I need plastic surgery, etc.) and I wouldn't even hit on them, I'd just be in the vicinity and it was nasty looks/comments galore.

Then the ones who were attracted to me, if I became friendly with them but told them that I only wanted to be friends, they'd go apeshit. One called me a "cock tease", another told me I was a "fat pig", tell me I'll die alone, etc. It got really bad when one threatened to kill himself if he couldn't have me (then when he got a boyfriend, he invited me over and had me walk in on them having sex in an attempt to make me jealous, I just laughed and cut off contact).

It's sad when the community I'm supposedly supposed to feel safe and supported by, make me fear for my safety and well being more than any other group.

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