My (22F) bf (30M) gives me a hard time about having male friends

I think the best place to start would be to examine how much of this is your problem and how much is his problem. Then decide how it is best to move forward.

I do think a direct sit-down conversation about this would be a good idea. You don’t like the comments. Therefore he needs to stop.

No more showing him texts. No more over explaining yourself. No more worrying about if he’s jealous. Talk to him. See if you can calm his fears. And then move on. And if he can’t get with the program then you can figure out how to proceed from there.

But stop being apologetic and justifying yourself when you’re not doing anything wrong. Don’t internalize something that is HIS insecurity. You owe him only a respectful conversation about the topic. And nothing more.

You are a 22 year old independent woman. He is not your father. Stop bending over backwards to explain yourself. And put your foot down on comments you don’t like

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