My (22m) fiance (21f) of over 5 years recently found porn in my history. The reaction and fallout has been brutal. Please help!

You know, I think there is a huge misconception that people who watch porn are comparing the actors to their so's or that people who watch porn pick the scenes they like to watch based on body type or an attraction to actors that look a certain way. I can't speak for other people, but I've watched my fair share of porn. I'm a happily married lesbian with a healthy, fulfilling sex life, who absolutely prefers sex with my wife over watching any type of pornography. Every once in a while, I can get turned on by watching really random scenes of certain sex positions that look sexually satisfying to those involved. I prefer watching heterosexual scenes, as it's hard to find girl on girl porn that isn't so obviously forced and phony. I have absolutely zero percent interest in men or penis in real life. I indulge in this on random days off when my wife is at work and not available to mess around with, and I have the desire to get off. My wife is fully aware of it, and not threatened at all. I pick scenes based on which have sex acts that look like fun for those involved. Sometimes these involve women with body types opposite what i prefer in real life. The most arousing visuals are the third person view of penis going into the vagina at a rhythm and angle that looks effective in terms of stimulation. I've actually been reminded of using a certain toy with my wife during some of such scenes, which adds to the arousal. I am always immediately turned off when an actress looks uncomfortable, looks like she's under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or if something demeaning happens to her or if the guy is being too rough. I always move on to the next one. There is plenty of porn out there that is professionally produced and is shot in a way that is respectful to actresses. And all of this simply helps speed up a self-induced orgasm when I'm bored or stressed. I've even used it to help me fall asleep. Point being, there are an awful lot of assumptions swirling around here about porn use, preferences for physical qualities of porn actors, type of porn, and motivations for watching it. There's a lot of people here arguing against porn by painting it with a broad brush, and ignoring female - friendly productions. There are people who are being 100% honest when they say watching porn is completely removed from their relationships, their real life sexual preferences, and should not threaten their SO or relationships in any way. Of course, anyone is free to have their own views about the morality of it, and their own standards for porn use in their relationships but it is dishonest to make comments about how real women can't measure up to porn actresses, then claim insecurity has nothing to do with it, especially when it's purely assumption that someone likes a porn star's body type more than his partner's.

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