Opinion: Black millennials who refuse to vote are falling for a political fraud

Sample size of one here, but I don't ser this working at all. The internet research agency must not include black folks cuz...

  1. At least in my circle, we joke that woke is for white folks.

  2. That reasoning for not voting sounds like someone projecting. Just like how trump projects his bs onto everyone else. Nor saying there are no black non voters, but black people on America already have obstacles to voting, not to mention other very real concerns.

  3. Much like last election, when they supposedly broke the piggy bank tryingto get us to vote for jill Stein, we still voted 91 % for Hillary. I don't even think I saw a jill Stein ad on YouTube and I liked her.

I could go on and on, but this looks like another losing effort on their part. They clearly don't know hotto talk to black people

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - latimes.com