My [23f] boyfriend [27m] says I’m being “insane” and my feelings aren’t as valid because I’m crying

Nope, nope, nope right the fuck out of this relationship. He's totally gaslighting you, and yours is the far more healthy and normal behaviour out of the two of you. Of course you're going to cry when he mistreats you and then denies mistreating you, acting like he's the healthier and more rational one. He's not. He gaslights to break you down and control the relationship, control you. Get out before it gets worse.

Regardless of whatever feelings you might have for this guy for any positive qualities he might show at times, know that none of that matters if he is, at his core, a manipulative and emotionally unhealthy person who will also mistreat you. You deserve better.

Also: what are the laws where you live, regarding the recording of private conversations? If it's a one-party recording state, then you could secretly record him gaslighting you. Confronting him with it won't do any good, he might even deny the evidence to your face, but it could give you some peace of mind to listen to it and know that you're not crazy.

/r/relationships Thread