My [25/M] girlfriend [25/F] of 3 years is very picky and only eats greasy kids meal type foods like pizza and chicken nuggets. Am I a bad boyfriend for letting this bug me so much?

My husband is exactly like this. He was raised by a single mom who worked full time. So a lot of times (most days of his childhood) he'd grab $5 and run across the street for a burger and fries or chicken fingers and fries. It pretty much became the only things he eats and he hates trying new things.

For our first few years as a couple I went back and forth between acceptance and cooking his burgers just right, to deeply aggravated and upset that when I cooked a nice big family dinner I also had to throw on a couple burgers so he would eat with us. Not to mention the plates that reek of his ketchup addiction every time I did the dishes (I hate ketchup, I'm a mayo kinda girl)

Anyway, he spent a few years refusing new foods too. But every once in a while I put serious thought into what his taste buds tell him he likes (and so do some of his friends) and we nag him into trying just one bite of something. If he doesn't like it thats ok. Just try. Man have I seen his face screw up over the wrong taste too many times to count.

But, we are now up to, burgers, chicken burgers, different varieties of rice, meatballs, beef patties, lean meats, garlic bread, salad! (blows my mind that he will eat a giant salad) he still doesn't eat the hundreds of things the rest of us do. But he trusts my taste enough to try things I offer, and I never get annoyed if he hates it. He didn't make himself a picky eater, he was raised that way unfortunately.

I was raised differently. Dinner was on your plate and you can eat it or go to bed without eating. And that was no escape. Because breakfast was the warmed up dinner I tried to waste. Picky didn't fly in our military home. Ever.

I dont think its worth breaking up over. Every couple has things about their partner that makes them crazy. Picky eating is so small compared to the other crap she could be doing. Hopefully she opens her mind and agrees to just taste test stuff. And don't give her weird things to start so she will trust your suggestions.

The real concern is if you want kids, you'll need to do the cooking for them if she can't step up to healthy food choices for them. Basically. I cook 2 dinners but I just count his burgers as side dishes I would have made anyway, make him his big salad so I can feel like I'm helping his health a little bit, and get over it. What he eats doesn't matter so much as having him across the table from me smiling when he gets his food home cooked rather than running out the door for more takeout.

Now if I could just convince him to take multi vitamins on his own cause crushing them and hiding them in his food is a pain in the ass.

/r/relationships Thread