Men who were raped/beaten by women, what is your story?

I can't tell you how many women have grabbed and groped me over the years. I'm a decent looking guy. I'm 6'4, 210lbs. Most of the time after high-school, in college, at bars it was a confidence boost. But then it got weird. There were a few weird situations. I have developed a rare genetic disease that has basically slowly been tearing me down (literally). So it doesn't happen anymore. The weirdest is my brothers girlfriend. She always like grabs my ass and says weird shit to me. Sometimes she'll come over unannounced and I'll quickly walk by in my boxers to put something on and she'll like follow me making weird comments. She always sits super close to me and has actively tried to push herself between my brother and I - we don't have a good relationship anyway. He's incapable of it. He's an apathetic, emotionally cut off, though brilliant, guy. But yeah. Tons of emotional manipulation there too. She used to call me all the time. This was when I was super alone and super vulnerable. So I relished it. Looking back now I know I probably should have known something was weird. But I considered her something like a sister, and this was before most of the crazy stuff. But she ended up like not talking to me for a month straight. And I messaged her and asked her what was up. My brother was being weird too. She said she developed feelings for me and then let it slip that she fed that information to my brother to make him jealous to make her feel needed and wanted. I mean, it's pathetic. I mean that judiciously. It's sad. Her parents aren't bat-shit, but they're just crazy enough and just normal enough that she has grown into this incredibly confused young woman. She's gorgeous and charming and real nice, but fuck man. Crazy shit.

My mom used to beat me. My dad too. But mostly my mother. When I was very young. The emotional abuse was unbearable. It ruined me. It became particularly bad when I became ill. She is a horrible human being and yet no one would know really. She's super succesful, very well-liked. Just like my brother's girlfriend. But she's the worst person I've ever met.

It sucks because for people like me there is no 'out'. We are proof of the devastating nature of abuse. Like having the choices and freedom that most people have distorts the values of abuse a bit. But in my case you see it clear as day. As well the utility, not just the ethics, of being compassionate and empathetic and loving and kind.

I was molested at a young age by my older brother, but I don't really remember much and i think it was more in his head (he was raped at a public swimming pool; neglecting parents).

The gnarly thing is that we're a 'normal' family, by all accounts. I was popular in high-school, as were my siblings. This type of behavior is everywhere. It's a feedback loop. Feedback loops are intrinsic. The roots of this shit isn't in poverty or drug addiction. Causa sui.

/r/AskReddit Thread