My(32f) front tooth broke on Christmas eve, it is my fiance's(35m) fault and im tired of being told to tough it out all the time. Am i being over dramatic?

I don't know, I never said she wasn't. I said that she seems to have a knack for blaming those around her instead of herself. And yes, her fiancé is partly to blame, as are her parents, the mailman, whoever else. We live in a big interconnected universe and hell, I bet even I'm somehow to blame in some elaborate butterfly effect.

But OP never once says it's her fault. Taking aside all her other issues...poor teeth, lack of support, whatever, her two missing front teeth are largely her fault, not her fiancé's. That's the crux of what I'm saying.

Right in the title: "It is my fiancé's fault." No, it isn't. Partially? Sure. But she's the one who pulled the prank, she's the one who drank to the point that she was off balance, she's the one who made all those decisions that led to her teeth being knocked out.

I mentioned the other stuff because it helps explain why her partner might have responded the way he did. This isn't a one-off thing. It's not like she's only blaming her fiancé for only one thing. She also blames him for not being able to pay the bills while she saves. She blames her parents for her bad teeth. She blames his parents for not footing the bill when they can afford to.

It's a pattern. Yes, he's partially to blame (and yes, he should help pay) and no, not everything is solely her fault. But I get why he's probably frustrated and don't think he's some big, bad, selfish asshole and needs to get down on his knees and apologize for a thousand years before OP even thinks of forgiving him.

That's all I'm trying to say. They've got some issues they need to work out, and OP and her fiancé both need to do some looking inwards. She needs to figure out that no, the world isn't collectively out to sabotage her, and yes, some shit is brought on her by herself. And he needs to figure out that partners are there to help and support one another, but emotionally and financially.

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