My [32F] husband [34M] says the daycare being closed for a week around Christmas is a dealbreaker

Hey, OP. I’ve gone through your post history, and it is filled with post after post after post about the many different ways your husband has been terrible to you and terrible to your daughter. It broke my heart to read and to know that you and your child have been dealing with this kind of behaviour for so long.

As someone who grew up in an emotionally unstable household, I hope you follow through on the posts you’ve made about contemplating divorce and leave—for your emotional safety, but also your daughters. Your current situation does not seem like a healthy environment for a child to be raised in. Is this the kind of relationship you want her to learn from?

Obviously I don’t know you or your marriage, but from what I’ve seen from your posts I’m not sure what you’re getting out of this relationship. You and your daughter deserve better

/r/relationships Thread