My [40'sF] Son's [17M] Girlfriend [17F] wants me to take her to get an abortion without her parents knowledge.

I am not saying that ALL women who get abortions will have a form of PTSD. However, there are many personal stories out there about people regretting the abortion and the pain and healing that goes along with it. Their experiences are real and I believe that abortion is a serious decision to make. I can link you many personal testimonies concerning this.

Because "post-abortion syndrome" (an umbrella term) is not often acknowledged many people will suffer from the abortion without getting any help. Many people will not realize that their depression, etc., is linked to their traumatic abortion experience.

I am not saying that James and Mary Will have problems. What I am saying is that it is a possibility and that abortion is a serious decision to make. Men and women will individually react differently to abortion. Some women are fine and the transition from the abortion is seamless. However other women do suffer greatly from it and we need to give them the help they need to heal, feel loved again, and process the abortion.

An abortion is not magic. It is not a dry erase board that completely erases the problem.

Being pro-choice is making an informed decision. Whenever someone goes into surgery or takes new medication they are told the possible side-effects (some which are very rare but also very extreme). You see this on Television all the time when new medication is pushed. That is all I am trying to say here. The girl will be undergoing surgery. There will be emotional side effects from it. In some cases the side effects are devastating. By getting the surgery or taking the medicine you are acknowledging that those side effects are a possibility. Yet with abortion we do not talk about the side effects are possibilities. Though rare, girls have died during the abortion. Some girls have a perforated uterus. Some girls are unable to ever get pregnant again. Though rare, it is a possibility and the decision that is made needs to consider all factors. I don't see why medical doctors are forced to tell their patients the possible side effects yet with abortion all we do is talk about how positive it is.

I wish no ill will on Mary or any girl getting an abortion. I do not judge them. I am not in their shoes and I do not know the stress involved leading up to an abortion. I just want every girl having an abortion to having all the options laid out and available to them.

Although I am pro-life, I know that abortion is a legal reality. The women should not be shamed or criminalized for abortion. They should be loved

Many women grow to regret their abortion. I do not what James and Mary to live with regret. The best way to not live with regret is to be informed and make the best informed choice as possible.

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