My [42F] best friend [42F] told my husband [44M] I cheated, and he's leaving

If I’ve learned anything about a cheater, it’s that they rarely come with the whole truth up front out of their own mouths. They trickle truth you to save their asses. So I highly doubt OOP just kissed some dudes. And you know what? Kissing might not be cheating to all of y’all but I dare you to witness that, or hear about it from an third party even years later, and not be at least marginally upset. Your partner of 5 years making out with some rando at a bar like you don’t even exist? At max it’s cheating, walk away; at minimum it predicts future behavior, walk away. Of course bc OOP wasn’t honest back then she didn’t give her partner the chance to evaluate, weigh her actions, and walk away if he wanted.

Cheaters are the type of people who feel they deserve forgiveness for a “mistake” but conveniently leave out all the effort it took to make the mistake to begin with, plus all the effort it took to lie to someone for years.

I feel for OOP, and the best friend is shitty af, but karma has no expiration date.

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