Unskilled labor doesn't exist (at Kellogg's or elsewhere)

A thought, and I by no means support breaking the picket line (and fuck everyone who does), but I feel we should give a second's thought to the poor fuckers brought in the break the line. A shred of me feels sorry for them. I've scoured history of union breaking, and if you watch videos of the 1984 Miner's Strike, some of those poor bastards didn't have a choice but to break the line, unless they wanted to starve.

I feel it's easy to demonize them because, well, they broke the line, broke solidarity, betrayed us. However, I also feel it's easy to just umbrella them like that, just like we are always umbrellaed as lazy and entitled by the corporate bootlickers. Some of these people are probably desperate people who need a fucking job, need the money to survive, may support what we are doing and yet cannot afford to stand with us or they starve. Honestly, that is even more FUCKED, because it's just further exploitation, and exploitation of people who will starve otherwise, the weakest and most desperate amongst us.

There will be some who KNOW they can't do this job, but have to try their best or suffer the consequences. As someone who has uprooted their life more than once, it is NOT easy, and anyone here who says it is is full of crap. Not everyone can do what we do, not everyone can hold that line. If it's just corporate reshuffling and paying them more, then fuck them, and these fucks are just assholes who are corporate bootlickers then fuck them. But, I KNOW there has to be at least some people who are genuinely as desperate as we are, and we need to understand that not everyone has the courage to stand on that line and fight.

There WILL be those that are forever grateful for what we do for them, but are unable to do themselves, and I believe we shouldn't hold that against them, lest we become exactly what we fought so hard to break. Just a food for thought. Hold the line brothers and sisters, fuck the machine grinding us all.

source: I was that reluctant line breaker once. I'm in a position now where I can hold that line, and even when I couldn't, my mom and I would bring food and water to the strikers, because I KNOW they were right, but I couldn't just uproot and find another job at that time in my life. I caught hell for that, but didn't lose my job. I was forgiven by my fellow workers, and I hope you can do the same, because it is something I deeply regret.

/r/antiwork Thread Link - i.redd.it