My best friend has stage 4 cancer. And she needs insurance. What are the possible Cons for me financially if we got married?

Just FYI, medicaid won't kick in until you maxed out all your primary private insurance

I am on Medicaid and when I had private insurance through a family member (I don't have private insurance anymore), Medicaid still paid for things despite not having met my deductible... In fact what Medicaid paid counted towards the private insurance's deductible...

For example... They would bill my private insurance like $300 for something. The private insurance discounts would kick in and drop that down to like $200. Then they would bill Medicaid afterwards for the $200 and Medicaid would pay whatever their negotiated rate is for that particular thing (usually a lot less than the billed amount); and the primary insurance would count that $200 towards my deductible, regardless of what Medicaid paid.

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