My bf [22M] agreed to secretly marry me [20F] for financial reasons, as long as I agree to come out publicly at a later date. Is this wrong?

I already commented, but I wanted to add some things since it's very obvious you're being incredibly short sighted and have no idea what it legally means to be married. Did you know that if you are legally married, but you two spilt up and you get with someone else and become pregnant that your legal husband is assumed to be the father of the child even if he isn't? You are not allowed to put the real father on the birth certificate of a child born to a married woman until you go to court and fight it. That could also mean if your husband wanted to, he could fight for custody of the child even if it's not his. You're probably thinking "well, that's crazy, I'm not getting pregnant anytime soon", but you never know. And a lot of states require you to be separated and living without your partner for a year before you can file for divorce. A lot can happen in a year. He could also refuse to sign divorce papers forcing you to get a lawyer and take him to court- which is very expensive. Even just printing divorce papers costs a minimum of 400 dollars. If he acquires any debt, that effects you as well. When you file your taxes, your incomes are viewed as one, meaning you could end up owing money instead of getting money back depending on how much you make combined. Basically, this is a stupid idea. There are better ways.

/r/relationships Thread