my boomer dad said it was good that they overturned Roe V Wade.

Not exactly. I just had to help my boomer dad find assisted living. He's 76. With his little pension and social security, he brings in about $2100 USD a month. This is over the limit for most Medicare-assisted housing in his state.

I pay $400 a month and he turns over his entire monthly check so he can have a 425 SQ ft studio with 2 meals a day provided by the dining hall. They have great staff who take good care of him and there's a library with thousands of books and movies, and their cable has Turner Classic Movies which is the only thing he will watch.

But he's literally broke. He can't even go to WalMart on the shuttle to buy a snack. So I put a monthly $200 into his account for stuff like that. My partner and I don't have a whole lot of money, and that $600 a month is fucking up our ability to save for our own old age. We do it because otherwise he'd be living alone and would probably die.

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