My boss asked me if I should even be in sales....due to my personality!

Confidence is everything. Even if it’s artificial. Your body and mind will follow if you execute, even if they are actions that are seemingly self consciously “fake.” One day you wake up and know what you’re doing and can readily call bullshit on this type of stuff.

He’s got a trash mgmt style trying to motivate you with stick and not carrot. I’ve had a few before. Start viewing their feedback as impersonal and that it’s based on their terror of publicly failing - essentially the main motivator for most mgmt who are climbing ladders. Exception is only a minority that are intuitively brilliant and who’s main intangible fulfillment is seeing people they coach succeed.

Every personality can be good at sales. It boils down to skill and will factors only. Don’t let anyone phase you. And only thing that helped me realize this was being at 4+ boiler room SaaS companies with a wide range of boss quality

/r/sales Thread