What’s the future like for software sales ?

Every recession brings a new work environment and fat gets trimmed. Y

You saw it across the board in 08.

It happened in 2017/18 in oil and gas where engineers who made a living doing 5 hours a work tops a day were let go in masses and the new normal became minimum 8 hour work days to pick up the slack for less money. And entire roles were let go and gone forever, those positions no longer exist.

I think you will see the same sort of thing in tech. The Demand for sales people was pushed by tech being a big blue ocean funden by tons of VC money to take over as quick as possible (similar to oil and gas pre 2017). And the supply of sales people is every increasing. Many people are taking on sales roles as a means to get by as cost of living increases. And that has a snowball effect as others see it.

/r/sales Thread