My boyfriend is greedy and selfish about food.

I have known him since I was 14, i am 27 now and we somehow ended up together on the opposite side of the the state by chance. The boy I always had a crush on when I was 16. I love his family, his passion and talent (he is an animator and comic book artist) and his brooding personality 98% of the time. He is generally an agreeable person except for a few things. He's also very handsome and great and generous sexually to me, if I'm honest. I am a recovering alcoholic and I can admit I wasn't an optimal partner myself for the first 2 years we were together, though I was never fully out of control. He is a kind and loving person, smart and witty, handsome and generous in certain ways. Food is literally the only problem I have with him. I've supported him through so much, it just hurts for him to not be the same as me, I guess.

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