My boyfriend (M 22) doesn’t want to move in with me. Should I (F 22) be worried for the future?

Not only normal, but smart on his part. You guys are super young and only dating a year. There is absolutely no reason to rush into living together at this point in your lives.

Try not to project all these bigger meanings onto it. You’re making this entirely about you in a very self-centered way (“he clearly doesn’t want to be with me every day”, etc).

You’ve got to grow up a little bit here. You’re both adults and these are normal and reasonable adult decisions that people make. Presumably, if he didn’t like you he would break up with you.

Life isn’t a fairy tale fantasy of marriage and kids. Cohabitation is a major decision that has major emotional and financial implications. Instead of respecting his views and feelings, you’re pouting because he didn’t say the perfect words you wanted to hear.

I’m sorry to be harsh, it really is coming from a place of tough-love, not ridicule.

/r/relationship_advice Thread