My dad who is a minister once kicked out my gay sister 12 years ago and the entire family shunned her. I tracked her down last month when i left home and she was homeless until now. Christians love i guess.

Be careful about the way you phrase this. Most addicts aren't nearly as bad as people paint them in their minds, and you're basically telling anyone who doesn't have any real life experience with them that its not worth the effort. My father has been an addict for 20 years, and we've fought and fought and fought. 99% of the time he's a normal guy. I doubt anyone here could look at him and say "that guy is an addict", but you even say that word to someone who already knows him and they treat him like its his fault he's sick, and that his disorder has to say something about his character.

For an addict, their brain literally tells them the drugs are more important than food. Youre brain literally tells you without this you will die. You know its lying to you, but that doesn't make it any easier. Most addicts will never truly "recover" but that's because we've told them we don't care how hard you're trying, success is the only option or were going to throw you away.

Recovery is an on going process that never ends. If today is better than yesterday thats recovery. I've watched my cousin get clean for over ten years just to relapse one time and be put out on the street. Two weeks later one of my best friends was dead, his brother was the responding officer to the call.

Ive watched that man move heaven and earth for the people he loved but some part of him just couldn't love himself enough. I'd give anything to give him one last hug and tell him I understood how he feels and that I'd do anything to help.

At a certain point, comfortability really shouldn't even be considered when you truly care about them and they're sick like this. Addicts hate themselves more than you ever could, and a negative feedback loop only serves to push them farther into their addictions.

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