My English teacher is only allowing us three passes for going to the restroom for the entirety of the quarter, in which we have to give away points for increasingly important grading categories… I’m a senior (12th grade)…

It’s not a few kids taking breaks. It’s kids ditching every period for 15-20 minutes. And it’s a lot of kids. And once again, if a kid is genuinely uncomfortable and they express that to me, or if they need an accommodation for anxiety or bladder/bowel issues I’ll give it to them 100%. If a girl says they have to go immediately I’ll let them go no questions asked. But if there’s no policy to begin with kids will abuse it. It’s fucking crazy how many of you are telling me what to do as a teacher even though you’ve never taught a day in your life. I’ve literally studied this shit for years. There’s people I teach with who have doctorates on child psychology who have basically the same policy. It’s not a power trip oml

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