My family is pressuring me to be a lawyer but I have some problems, help?

In high school, I dreamed of being a lawyer. It made sense because, like you, I loved politics and school came really naturally to me. After high school, I spent 3 years at a community college completing a degree in liberal studies. While I was there, I became deeply involved on campus and eventually found myself being elected president of the student government association. A little bit of networking, and before I knew it, I was a state house intern for the most influential politician in our state.

Let me tell you this, I saw everything that summer, and I saw even more after leaving his office to work for the Governor's office.

I'm going to be honest with you, politics is not a stable career and you will never make any money doing it. His chief of staff (years of experience) made a little bit more than I am planning on making when I graduate from an accounting program in December.

Do not go to law school unless your family is rich and plans on paying the entire tuition/fee bill for you in cold-fucking-cash. There are tons of lawyers in every state house in our country (assuming you're american) who are making about 30-60k a year and they have six- figure debt.

YOU DO NOT WANT 6-FIGURE DEBT!!!! You will be paying more than 1,000 a month for 10 to 20 years. That means you won't buy a house, or a new car, or go on vacation. You will live in abject fucking poverty for what will seem like eternity.

I am going to be 24 years old in a few weeks. I know what I'm talking about; I have friends with $80,000 in debt; they are miserable. All they do is work to pay back students loans that came with empty promises.

Go to a community college, then transfer to a state school. Spend less than 30k total on your undergrad, preferably less than 20k, little as possible. Study accounting, finance, or economics. Minor in political science. You will thank me. When you finish your undergrad, get a good job (there are tons of good jobs in these fields that pay excellent money) and then pay off all of your debt as soon as possible. The awesome thing is....with a degree in one of those fields, even if you don't want to work in accounting/finance, you can choose any career you want. Employers will know that you understand how the REAL WORLD works from a balance sheet/income statement perspective. Everything in this world is about maximizing income (what you earn) and equity (what you own), and minimizing liabilities (debt).

Oh yeah, truth be told, most of the people who work in the state house aren't lawyers. It's the biggest melting pot ever... from ex-IT guys to English majors to Biology majors. Everyone's got a different story.

Long story short: accounting/finance/econ majors can work in politics, but history/law majors can't work in finance. Keep every door open.

Also, do some research on whether or not law school is worth the money. A quick Google search will scare you right away. Don't be stupid, and don't listen to your stupid family.

Honestly, if you're planning on majoring in'd be better of not spending your money on college. It's not what you make, it's what you save, and you can't save any money if you owe a ton of money as a result of student loans.

/r/careerguidance Thread