I think my friend might be in for quite a shock...

My first job was as a Roughneck on a drilling rig in the oil fields in West Texas. It was high stress and very dangerous possibly considered the most dangerous job in the world. I did it for $15.00 an hour. I worked my way up 4 years later $20.00 an hour for very hard work and facing the elements rain snow sun didnt matter sometimes soaked head to toe in salt water or drilling mud in 30 degree weather.

I said that to say this.... Nursing does pay well. It does give a person autonomy even working holidays. If you got into nursing for money and paid holidays off. You did it for the wrong reason. Yes the financial aspect has a very enticing aspect to the job but it isnt about the things you can touch or see. Its about being that person thats there for a perfect stranger. Someone human that needs another human to advocate for them. Patients arent at home on paid holidays and I am sure they would love to be. The stress of the job is what we signed up for. Im guessing that most nurses that bitch about how low the pay is and how hard it is... Probably never had to really work hard or sacrifice anything like living in your car the last semester of nursing school just so you could graduate and have a better life. Showering in the gym and doing laundry at apartment complexes, studying at Dennys or Ihop because they are open 24 hours a day. It really aggravates me that some of you think the advice you give someone wanting to be a nurse is useful. If you dont like being a nurse and the pay sucks that bad why dont you resign and turn your license in. Your attitude and your bedside manner is probably that of a brick and you arent benefiting anyone.. Selflessness its the one quality you must possess and cant be taught to truly be a great nurse. Passing meds doing assessments getting orders and patient education are aspects of the job... Being a nurse is giving your compassion and love to every human you come in contact with. Not judging them and remembering that you dont know what the road was like that landed them under your care. Tell your friend.... If she wishes to have a chance to be and have a positive impact on people everyday then I will be honored to call her colleague.

/r/nursing Thread Link - imgur.com