How many actual friends do you mad lads have?

Actually quite a few. The issue I have had as I have aged isn't not having friends. Its the fact that now my friendship group is almost completely segregated based upon how I know them. I don't have a core group of friends I hang out with, it's all based upon location, hobbies or interest.

I retained a small group of friends from my Univeristy days who I visit about once a year in my old city. Then I have work friends, friends I play poker with and friends from work.

But there is absolutely no crossover between any of them, I only ever see them at work or the sports club. I dont really have a friend anymore news to where I live that I could just call and go to the pub with.

I do find the more time I am away from people the less I get in contact with them. I am no longer in contact with anyone from my high school and the number I contact from my university keeps getting smaller.

/r/AskMen Thread