My GF (19) thinks about ending our Relationship because I'm (22) 2cm smaller than her.

Yeah, we're talking about it, because she don't want to lose me and everything we had. We're trying to keep a bit of distance. This whole situation is really hard for her. The way she reacts to things and she just show me how she feels. Even if she just cries her heart out because of it.

It's her first relationship, so there's the struggle that she doesn't exactly know what she has with me. She doesn't know if that's as good as it gets. We talk a lot about it and yeah, we try to fix it. But this situation is really hard for me. Because I know what we have and that's just this one thing. This thing I can't change. It is how it is and that's sad. I never had something like that before.

/r/relationship_advice Thread