My gf[19F]'s ex[23M] emailed me[21M] a video of them having sex and it's fucked with my head enough that I know I need to end it while still backing her up. Please advise.

My gf prefers bigger than me, which is what I now know based on what she said in that video, and because I don't want to be with someone long term who prefers bigger than me I'm just immature and insecure?

I was actually going to just ignore the shitty opinions of me here but this comment shows exactly why I've been dealing with this on my own for over 3 weeks. It's clear the popular theory here is guys who aren't as big as they gfs prefer are suppose to just suck it up and keep quiet. I TRIED!!! This isn't about knowing my gf has sex in the past or that some of them may or may nor have been bigger. This is KNOWING she PREFERS bigger than what I have, because it bigger is what really gets her off. I get sex is more than the sum of parts but when you have to find out you can't pleasure your partner the way they truly enjoy because of something you can't change it fucks with you. And if you don't know how it feels to learn the one you're with has better sex with something you can't give, and be lead to believe you have to keep it to yourself, than I envy you far more than the douchebag sitting in jail right now. The one I helped put there by doing everything I could for HER.

My sex drive is gone, the thought of sex with my gf leaves me feeling empty and shut down. I find myself thinking back to past ex's, some of which actually did prefer what I was born with. You really think just because her preferring me overall is suppose to magically make me feel better? You think I haven't been trying to tell myself that? I know she did nothing wrong. And I know I'm not wrong for feeling this way. Or knowing what will or won't make me happy. And anytime I see people like you making statements along the lines of guys aren't entitled to feel however they feel, or aren't entitled to choose for themselves what they want or don't want in their relationships, especially if it isn't unreasonable, all I want to say is


Yes, my gf deserves to be happy and I've done what I can every fucking time to show she's worth it. But I deserve to be happy in my relationships too. To hell with people like you. I don't care if doing what is going to be better for me overall makes me look insecure and pathetic to apathetic assholes like you.

I'm done with all of this.

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