Why, in my opinion, Rooster Teeth is dying.

Or that in the last 10 years the company has actually changed. I love RT, seriously, but I am not blind to the fact that times change and while I can accept that it still stings when I see just how much it's changed.

And it is frustrating when people are so devoted to something they will simply dispel any criticism towards it.

However, I am a big fan of RT but I'm NOT so much in love with them that I won't point out something I don't like. Now most the time it can be a difference of opinion, and that's fine it's what opinions are.

But an example of this is for a Minecraft Lets Play they decided to play the TellTale story mode version, something that actually received a lot of critic not only on YT but the site. And they didn't continue it.

Fact is a entertainment company like RT not only wants but needs critic. It helps them grow and not only stay loyal to the fans but helps determine conflict that's not as enjoyable as others.

Problem with that is there the community is so defensive about RT that anyone that really critics something and doesn't like it, for what could be legitimate reasons, are immediately shot down and just told to unsubscribe by there fellow fans. And that sucks.

Even on this post the OP didn't say he hated RT or anything like that. Just offered some critic and his point of view of the company and was promptly told by the community to just "stop watching" or "unsubscribe"

People that challenge a company to do better will always be needed and RT both knows and appreciates that. It just sucks that the fans don't really realize that and would rather cleanse the community of any detractors than actually hear the person out.

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