My GF (27) is dating a guy on a fiveM RP server

There was a thread a month ago with some woman asking if her roleplaying sex with her IRL friend ingame while being asexual with her husband was cheating. Many downvotes later, she refused to see that it was so she deleted the thread.

I was expecting a story like that here too. But that isnt the case. What made you say they re dating in the title? It doesnt seem like it. They dont do couple things nor they roleplay being together ingame. Could there really be benefits from marrying someone via a command? Scripting abilities are endless, believe me. Why else would they marry? But also, why couldnt she marry you on your throwaway account?

I think you need to sit her down and talk to her. Explain to her that youre not okay with her spending more time with that guy than with you. He is clearly a priority while youre being put aside.

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