I'm getting serious bad vibes from this person... are my fears warranted? They've always seemed greedy and self-serving, but my parents just feel bad for them and look the other way. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Wasn't sure how to phrase it in the title :') It's someone my parents are taking care of, and they're doing it purely out of kindness but I'm worried they're being conned. They always throw a pity party and are certainly down on their luck, but I've always gotten a more sinister vibe from them. I recently got a hand on their birth info and am reasonably sure the information is correct, but not quite sure what to make of it. I'm hoping there's some sign or red flag here I can tell them to be on guard about, to hopefully break through to them that this person is not all sunshine and roses.

Alternatively, maybe you guys can see something here that indicates they're not as bad as they seem? I'm a bit blinded by concern, and quite frankly dislike here unfortunately.

And yes, I've tried various avenues of convincing them otherwise - this is kinda a hail mary shot if I'm being honest :P The person just gives me the heebie jeebies.

/r/AskAstrologers Thread Link - i.redd.it