My girlfriend of ten years broke up with me while I was in the hospital dealing with cancer complications

Lol. Do you even know how many people live like you BUT DONT HAVE CANCER? Sit by their tv all day, play videogames (!) or jack off to reddit all day, and waste their lives. I mean how many people do you know who really live it up ? .....

Your girlfriend surely didnt leave you for your RECTAL cancer (why do you have to mention everywhere, its rectal and the cancer at all? It puts people OFF. We are all motivated to avoid pain and not think about such stuff.).

I mean its nice you deal about it so openly. But how you reacted to your cancer was probably the reason your girlfriend left. How YOU reacted to it. Thats how it always goes. Plus you said you didnt enjoy talking to her anyway? But see most of us live in the prisons of our heads. Barely anyone goes for their dreams or even knows what they want.

So what happens if you have nothing left to use? If you are really going to die? The one advice I can give you, is no matter if you play videogames ALL DAY, dotn even leave the house and break contact with everybody...... AT LEAST FEEL FUCKING GOOD ABOUT IT or start doing something else immediately.

/r/relationship_advice Thread