My hours don't add up (Ontario)

I noticed one more error on my time sheet. I worked an extra hour the day you asked me to get the Rowmark sales finalized. I don't remember exactly which day it was, but I sent you an email at 5pm with the XLS from the AP computer, then I was handed the bank deposit to do, so I punched out at 6. None of the days in the last two weeks reflect this.

All of these errors in one week is making me lose faith in this punch clock, especially looking at my previous hours recorded on this sheet you printed for me today. When I was part time I rarely got paid more than 4 hours any day. This does not add up as my average shift was from 12:30-5:30; 5 hours. It looks like I either was not paid past 5pm any of these days, or I was incorrectly deducted a half hour lunch which (you told me today this did not happen), although I think it may be each of these. The weeks that you were away I worked with Marsha well past 6pm many days. Did I really only work 1:45 on August 13th, or no more than 3 hours for nearly all of November? I'm going to have to ask for my punch in and out times since starting here, as something definitely doesn't appear right.

Sorry to be a pain but it's hard financially right now, and I can't afford to not get paid for the hours I work. Even the start of my shift I've always got straight to work unaware I wasn't paid; my computer is already on and my desk is steps away from the punch clock. I'd prefer to not begin each day by sitting around for 15+ minutes, and instead get those price lists done. Of course if I'm late that's a different story, but I would like to be paid for each full 15 minute block that I work. However I understand it is your policy and your decision.

/r/legaladvice Thread