My life was blown apart.

If you would really like for me to put the rest of the story out there then yes I will. Missidamaee is my wife. She claims that I verbally, emotionally, and physically abused her. The truth is different. Let's go back to the beginning of our marriage. Yes it was rocky as most are. Things with my exwife were not to where they are now. Yes she came and told you that we slept together however she will now admit that nothing happened. How about the fact you would go out with your friend summer and drink. You know I can't drink and yes I went out once or twice but when you went out that one time and I didn't hear from you til about 430 am because you stopped at a couple guys house you knew. Summer was hooking up and you got molested.. when you came home I was here for you. I held you told you I loved you. That everything would be ok. Yes I was emotionally hurt by it but I kept going on. I asked you to stop going out and drinking because it was a bad idea. You claim I tried to cut you off from everyone including your parents.. no that never happened. But because I was still trying to sort things out you started to text him and still talk to him to hurt me the man who molested you... Who did the emotional abuse.. but I forgave you.. then one night our fight about it did get heated when I tried to look at your phone. I did hold you down to try and get you to calm down so we could talk and yes I let go. You punched me several times I did deserve it. You claimed I was choking you. Never were my hands near your throat. Then we split for about 2 months. During that time you were on dating sites and had other men over to the house. I had my exwife stay the night I moved because it was late when I got back and my other kids were alseep. To this day to think I've been cheating on you, because of my past before you were even in my thoughts. Let's talk about the verbal abuse.. every fight we had you would call me names and demean my feelings about it. Calling me stupid, asshole, dumbass. But the second I said one word back you began to cry. Or how about the one time I said enough and defended myself verbally.. back to more physical abuse.. how many times did you bait me.. stand in my way so I couldn't leave and calm down.. I know my oldest has heard you screaming at me calling me names and swearing at me.. she has seen you shove past me slamming doors... you call me the abuser.. you've kept my son from for a month.. because you were mad you were going for primary custody.. you ran to your lawyer begging for a way to keep my son from me.. you claim I was gonna kill myself and it was justified.. never would I do it.. I have 3 other kids I can't leave them fatherless.. you came home the next morning to find my ex waking me up because i was sleeping off the emotional destruction you put on me. You called her over because you were worried about me. Once again nothing happened...but then again you have your side.. or the side you have come to believe as your truth.. that you're the victim.. it's the same thing you use every time you can't handle what you've done.. ruined friendships.. burning bridges with others.. it's never your fault.. never anything you've done.. I am here to tell you this.. I forgave you for all of this because I wanted us to work.. and I still do. You know where I am. You know where I'll be. You have my number. I hope you realize what we had before you fall into something and get hurt worse than you've hurt me. I love you and always will, there is nothing you will ever have to prove to me that you didn't when you told me yes and next time just say you're my wife.

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